door GBMS | feb 20, 2023 | Nieuws
We are excited to announce that GBMS has been nominated for the Innovation in Safety Award 2022 to the TT-club. Next Thursday the winner of the award will be announced during a ceremony in London. You follow the ceremony online by registering via this...
door GBMS | feb 20, 2023 | Nieuws, Uncategorized
Last week GBMS has set a big step into the future of our company. The first SensoriumC system was installed onboard the OOCL Rauma and is now sailing towards Finland. Installation was pretty straight forward and the crew was eager to learn what the system could do. We...
door GBMS | feb 9, 2023 | Nieuws
GBMS was mentioned on several news items on radio and television by the Dutch National Broadcating Organisation NOS and regional broadcating organisation Omrop Fryslân Omrop Frylân was the first to have an interview with JR-shipping on the different aspects of making...
door GBMS | feb 3, 2023 | Nieuws
Last week Joris Brouwer and Michiel Gunsing gave an interview for the local radio station Omrop Fryslân. During this interview, GBMS got thumbs up from the Dutch Waddensociety on the development of SensoriumC. A few days after, the retiring director of the...
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