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GBMS was mentioned on several news items on radio and television by the Dutch National Broadcating Organisation NOS and regional broadcating organisation Omrop Fryslân
Omrop Frylân was the first to have an interview with JR-shipping on the different aspects of making container shipping more safe en more environmental friendly. The SensoriumC system on their ships is one of the tools JR is applying to reach this goal.

In a further news item Oprop Fryslân invited GBMS and de Waddenvereniging to comment on the SensoriumC system. De Waddenverdeniging is an NGO that promotes the preservation of the Dutch natural reserve ‘de Waddenzee’.

1st February 2023 retiring chairman of the Waddenvereniging mentions our sensor system on National television in the News-programme Op1About

SaaS warning system that monitors the loads in container stacks to secure safe shipping and a reduced loss of containers.


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